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In the 3rd decade of the 21st century, nanotechnology continues its steady growth, affecting more industries and markets, and taking more and more important role in improving and shaping the future of human life. Asia has a major role in this progress. Iran along with other Asian big players has introduced a new development model for nanoscience and nanotechnology that can be appealing to other countries particularly emerging economies. Nevertheless, there is still a long and exciting way ahead, which involves important lessons for all active players.  
As of 2022, with more than 1000 certified Iranian nanotech-based products in the domestic and international market, and more than 300 manufacturing companies active in this field, the Iran nanotechnology development model has shown it can deliver real outcomes to society out of research and development and laboratory level activities.
This website is a gateway to various programs, activities, achievements, and players in the Iran nanotechnology ecosystem. Besides providing information, it can be used as a mean for communicating to nanotech and nanoscience players in the country to nurture international collaboration. Iran's nano society is an open and collaborative community and Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council (INIC) as the public body in charge of policy making and implementation is eager to collaborate in safe and sustainable nanotechnology development with all interested institutions in the world.


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