Freeze Dryer

Freeze Dryer

The heat sensitive materials drying and solvent extracting from the polymers structures, the bio components and inorganic are the main consideration of pharmaceutical industry, food, medicine, etc.

 March 25, 2020  More Info
Manufacturing Equipment

The heat sensitive materials drying and solvent extracting from the polymers structures, the bio components and inorganic are the main consideration of pharmaceutical industry, food, medicine, etc. Freeze-drying is a widely used process for water extracting from biomaterials and inorganic materials, also for drying and improving the stability of rare metals, ceramics, inorganic sensitive materials and various pharmaceutical products including viruses, vaccines, proteins, peptides, or colloidal carriers: liposomes, nanoparticles, nanoemulsions. This process is relatively slow and expensive, it especially applies only to high added value products. The freeze-drying cycle can be divided into three steps: freezing (solidification), primary drying (ice sublimation) and secondary drying (desorption of unfrozen water). At the first step, the liquid suspension is cooled, and ice crystals of pure water forms. At the second, sublimation of ice from the frozen product and at the end evaporation of the sample residual moisture occurs

  1. n pharmaceutical industry, antibiotic preparation, vitamins, humane and animals’ vaccine, blood components and laboratory kits.
  2. In food industry to provide flavor powder, meat powder, whey powder, espresso powder, dry milk, vegetables, tea flavor, artemia, Powder of oil, etc.
  3. In medical microbiology department, pathology, organ transplantation, cultivation and maintenance of fungi and humans and animals genetic engineering.
  4. In biotechnology preparation and maintenance of micro-organisms, fungi, yeasts, bacteria, viruses, etc.
  5. In metallurgy and ceramic to preparation of rare metals powder such as oxides of titanium powder that oxide during of drying.
  6. In botany and agriculture, genetic engineering of plants, preparation of dry ornamental shrub, maintaining the medicinal plant's aroma.
  7. In the chemical industry for the preparation of sensitive inorganic solid materials.

The Freeze Dryers provided by this company are designed and produced in three different models. Details of technical specifications are presented in the following Table.  

Advantager of using nanotechnology

The freeze drying have many applications in nanoparticles production at such industries as electrochemical industry, environment, and materials engineering and pharmaceutical industries. The nano materials synthesis take place in second and third steps. Also this methods can be used for nanoparticles drying.

Manual and maintenance
  • The temperature of the freezing chamber should not be less than -45°C during the drying.
  • The vacuum should be set between 0.05 to 0.1 mbar.
  • A water valve should be considered near the water condenser.
  • The freezing chamber should be washed after the draying and defrosting process, then dry with paper towels and hot air gun.
  • The vacuum pump’s upper valve is closed when the drying ends and vacuum pump should be work at 30 minutes in the gas ballast manner.
  • The warning system embedded in apparatus to protect from dryer system, when water is cut of, the system begin to alarm and shutting down after 2 minutes.
  • When use the 4 flask holding vacuum system, vacuum should be adjusted between 0/05 to 0/1 mbar, when it reached to desired value, apparatus compressor should be run. The freezing chamber temperature when reach to -45°C, the flasks connect to 4 vacuum system and vacuum valves are opened. Mind the flask should be kept in the refrigerator before connecting.
  • Vacuum pump should be inspect constantly. If darkening or pollution of the oil occurs, it should be change. After the each drying process, the pump should be gas ballasted to avoid oil pollution.
  • The samples should be placed as frigid in drying chamber.
  • The samples placed in the dryer chamber at the first, then the chambers are vacuumed. When the vacuum pump lower noise, the compressor runs and the sublimated vapor from samples collected in the chamber. The vacuum value should not rise from 1 mbar.
  • For more details on how to use the device, refer to the device catalog and user guide.
Safety and package
  • The alarming system was considered to system protect. The air temperature when arise above 30°C, the system begin to alarm and shutting down after 2 minutes.



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