The 12th National Nanotechnology Competition in Summer 2023

The 12th National Nanotechnology Competition in Summer 2023

The 12th National Nanotechnology Competition will be held in three stages in summer 2023 with the aim of educating competitors on nano science and technology.

 February 16, 2023  Standard & Certification
National Nanotechnology Competition will be held among interested university students and graduates in order to identify elites. The winners of this competition will receive special prizes including facilities from Iran’s National Elite Foundation, seed money for developing startup idea in Nanostartup program, etc.
The first stage of the 12th National Nano Competition will be held online from in July 2023. The top 300 of the first stage will enter the second stage. In the second stage, these top competitors will participate in a scientific competition in August 2023. The top 30 competitors will enter the third stage which will be jeld in a laboratory.


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