Production of Nano iron drops with better absorption by an Iranian Company

Production of Nano iron drops with better absorption by an Iranian Company

Novin Marham Company has successfully produced iron drops with better absorption and taste.

 December 22, 2021  Scientific
Novin Marham Company has successfully produced iron drops with better absorption and taste comparing with common products due to the use of nanoliposome technology. The new product also resolves the problem of black discoloration of children’s teeth, arising from oxidizing property of iron, which is considered as a key concern of parents when apply common iron drops.
“Liposome technology allows us to place iron particles in a phospholipid layer, thereby transforming a mineral structure into the body that will be absorbed very quickly and is more compatible with the human body” Dr. Sadeghzadeh, executive manager of the company, said, “iron drops usually blacken teeth, so we were looking for a product to solve the problem.”
This product is an outcome of a university research projects. The technology was developed under commercialization and mass production contract signed between Novin Mahram company and a large pharmaceutical company.


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