A visit that expressed the rivalry of civilizations

A visit that expressed the rivalry of civilizations

The visit of the ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the 14th International Nano Exhibition in Tehran was an interesting and significant event in this year's exhibition.

 November 14, 2023  Industrial
Abdullah bin Saud Al-Enezi, the ambassador of Saudi Arabia, at the same time as holding this exhibition, visited the various booths of the Nano exhibition, on the sidelines of this exhibition, he also met with Ruhollah Dehghani Firouz Abadi, Vice President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, and both sides emphasized on the development of technological cooperation.
Of course, this is not the first time that after reviving relations between Tehran and Riyadh, the Saudi ambassador has shown his desire for commercial and technological cooperation with Iran.
Earlier, in a meeting with Mojtaba Safaei, chairman of Iran's Chamber of Guilds, he stated that the relationship and interest between Iran and Saudi Arabia will be stable and will create a good capacity for trade between both countries.
In this meeting, he pointed out that the Islamic Republic of Iran is a very important neighboring country and said: Iran has many potentials and enjoys a good strategic position.
A look at the current situation of Saudi Arabia shows that this country has defined a broad vision for 2030 and has several projects for its development in the region.
Experts emphasize that if these projects are implemented, its blessings will include the situation of other countries in the region, and we can predict a bright future for the new Middle East with the emergence of political changes in Saudi Arabia.


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