300 Iranian Nanoproducts Received Nanoscale Certificate in 2022

300 Iranian Nanoproducts Received Nanoscale Certificate in 2022

New figures show the production of items and equipment developed based on nanotechnology in Iran witnessed a sharp increase from 1111 to 1409 in 2022.

 January 15, 2023  Standard & Certification
According to a report published by Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council (INIC), 1409 nanotechnology-based products have been developed in the country since 2007, i.e. the establishment year of the system of voluntary certification of NanoSclae. 
The figures show that 275 companies produce nanotechnology-based items and 64 ones make equipment until the end of 2022 in Iran.

The system of voluntary certification of NanoSclae was established in 2007 with the support of Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council (INIC) to enhance consumer trust and confidence and to create nanoproduct market transparency. NanoProduct Certification Unit (NPCU) monitor and certify nanoproduct based on national/international standards.
In accordance with international standard ISO-TS 80004-1, Nanoscale is a length range approximately from 1 to 100 nm. NanoScale certificate is assigned to the Nanotechnology products, tools and services (ISO/TS 18110:2015).


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