One million people have used the nano kit for colon cancer screening

One million people have used the nano kit for colon cancer screening

CEO of Sanje Bio Company; In 2023, the Ministry of Health of the Islamic Republic of Iran screened three million people for colon cancer, and one million of them were screened with the company's nano kits.

 February 12, 2024  Industrial

Hamed Bagheri, the CEO of Sanje Bio Company, said: “We have two types of kits for colon cancer detection, the old generation kit and the new generation kit. Both are nano kits. We currently produce one million old kit per year, which are used for screening in health centers. The new kit is also in the stage of clinical trial and has been tested on 400 patients. After passing this stage and approving the product, we are looking to export these new generation kits.”

He continued: “For the production of diagnostic kits, we use gold nanoparticles with dimensions of 20 to 40, which are our own production.”

He added: “Colon cancer is the third most common cancer among all types of cancer and the second cause of cancer-related death. One of the factors that increase the chances of treatment is early cancer detection. People over the age of 50 should be screened for colon cancer once a year. Colonoscopy cannot be used for this number because it is an invasive method, so cheaper, faster and less invasive methods should be used. In this technology, with a simple stool sampling, it is possible to find out whether a person has colon cancer or not, and if the diagnostic kit gives a positive result, the person can be referred for a colonoscopy. Soon, insurance companies will have requirements to use these kits before performing a colonoscopy.”

Dr. Bagheri said: “We also have a diagnostic kit to diagnose a heart attack. Usually, when a person comes to the emergency room with clinical symptoms, a blood test is taken, which takes two hours to respond. "Our heart attack diagnosis kit determines the result within ten minutes.”



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