Melbourne Start Up Powering Energy Storage Revolution

Melbourne Start Up Powering Energy Storage Revolution

The local Melbourne startup company, enyGy, is set to revolutionize the global energy storage market with a supermaterial that has the potential to fuel the data storage, transport, industrial, and even space travel sectors.


 December 23, 2023  Nano in the world

The Notting Hill-based team, led by CEO, Wiehann de Klerk and supported by Monash University, has spent more than seven years developing the nanomaterial technology that is used in the endcap ultracapacitator.

“Fundamentally, enyGcap provides increased energy storage capacity within the same package size,  known as enhanced energy density, enabling the realization of compact, fast energy storage,” Mr de Klerk said.

All of this is made possible through the use of graphene – a supermaterial recognized to be one of the strongest, lightest, and most electrically conductive materials ever discovered.

“Utilising graphene technology, enyGcap combines compactness with impressive power. With its remarkable energy density, our product holds the promise to revolutionize energy storage across a  spectrum of applications, from electric vehicles and mass transit systems to data storage, wind turbine  emergency pitch control systems, industrial equipment like cranes and elevators, and even space  exploration – providing efficient fast energy storage for high-current, short-duration charge, and discharge  cycles.”

The product is the first of its kind to utilize graphene technology for enhancing energy density and is currently undergoing trials, with a launch expected to occur later next year.

In the meantime, the team is gearing up for the initial product offering, enyCap, scheduled for market launch in early 2024. EnyGy worked with UL Solutions to obtain third-party, science-backed certification for the enyCap product line.

This innovative product combines activated carbon electrodes with state-of-the-art electrolytes, delivering a remarkable three volts of power. This means increased energy density, efficiency, and compatibility.

The product is capturing attention, with private, sophisticated investors supporting the team’s entry into the market in early 2024.

Mr de Klerk said the enyGcap ultracapacitor technology can be used for rapidly storing and discharging energy in various applications, including electric vehicles, renewable energy systems, and consumer electronics.

“For instance, ultracapacitor-based modules provide a valuable solution for improving tram regenerative braking systems with their swift charge and discharge abilities,”

“This not only boosts performance but also reveals significant cost-saving opportunities. Incorporate our graphene technology into the equation, and you can realize up to double the cost savings, thanks to the heightened energy storage capacity.” Mr de Klerk said.

“I’m thrilled by the extraordinary market entry we’ve accomplished in just 18 months since expanding into our current facility. In early 2024, we’ll introduce our enyCap product as the first opportunity for customers to invest in the future, paving the way for the global release of our cutting-edge graphene technology, enyGcap.

“EnyGy is firmly setting its sights on the future role this technology will play in achieving net zero and this is only the beginning; the best is undeniably yet to come!”


Read the original article on Tech Business News.



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