An Iranian company signs a cooperation agreement at CHInano 2017

An Iranian company signs a cooperation agreement at CHInano 2017

On the sidelines of the CHInano 2017, Rangin Nano Nahal Co. signed a contract with their Chinese counterparts to launch a joint production line for manufacturing of at least 500 tons of products annually.

 November 26, 2017  Agreements

The 8th CHInano Conference & Expo. was held in Suzhou, China on October 25-27, 2017. In this event, representatives from private sectors, universities and research centers from around the world gathered to present their latest achievements in nanotechnology.

Rangin Nano Nahal Co. (RNH), a company present in the exhibition, operates in the field of industrial coatings and paints was also present. RNH has several patented products including the “electrostatic nanostructured anti-bacterial and anti-corrosion powder paints" that received special attention during the event. 

“Our products did not have any competitor at the exhibition and received a lot of attention" said Dr. Mahdi Rahmani, CEO of Rangin Nano Nahal Co. while addressing the company's achievements. He added: "Following former negotiations, two Chinese companies visited us at the conference to finalize a partnership agreement. Discussions with one of the companies resulted in launching of a joint production line for annual production of at least 500 tons of material and a color spray line in China”. According to the signed agreement, RNH will transfer part of its IPR rights to their Chinese partner.

Aside from this agreement, the company also held several meetings with companies in shipyard, rail roads, home appliances, and laboratory instruments fields for further cooperation.

Other than the recent achievement, RNH has been previously exporting its nanotechnology-based products to Azerbaijan.



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