This standard was developed with the support of Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council and tireless efforts of an academic group. The proposal of this standard was officially submitted to the International Nanotechnology Standardization Committee (ISO/TC 229) in February 2019. Finally, after two years of continuous research, study, and exchange of opinions in various meetings, the standard was approved for publication and is now available on the website:
A new guideline for investigating and evaluating the biological safety of nanomaterials in aquatic environments using a biological biomarker living in freshwater ecosystems called Tetrahymena was presented. This guideline helps to check and compare the toxicity and risk potential of manufactured nano-objects with minimum costs in no time.
99 international standards have been published by the Technical Committee of ISO/TC 229. Ten standards have been proposed and developed under Iran’s supervision. Development of an international standard usually takes three to four years.

The member countries of the technical committees provide various expert opinions for the completion and development of the standard at different stages of standard development. In technical committee of nanotechnology standards of ISO organization, there are 39 countries as member countries and 18 countries as observers.