Twenty Iranian Nanotechnology Companies Participated in CHInano 2018

Twenty Iranian Nanotechnology Companies Participated in CHInano 2018

CHInano 2018 was held on October 24th to 26th in Suzhou, China. Twenty Iranian companies alongside Iran Nano China Center (INCC) participated in this exhibition. 

 November 03, 2018  Agreements

Twenty Iranian nanotechnology companies alongside INCC participated in CHInano 2018. These companies are stated below:

  1. Aria Polymer Pishgam
  2. Fanavaran Nano-Meghyas
  3. Kimia Chemie Sahand
  4. Chitotech
  5. Exir Nano Sina
  6. Nanodaru
  7. Tavana Lab
  8. Sevin Plasma
  9. Rangin Nano Sakhtar
  10. Parsa Polymer Sharif
  11. Payamavaran Nanofanavari Fardanegar
  12. Palayesh Plasma Sanat
  13. Danesh Pajhoohan Sanaat Nano
  14. Meditech
  15. Behfaravaran Novin Aria Sarmad
  16. Atieh Pardazan Sharif
  17. Nanostructured Coatings
  18. Highno
  19. Rayka Sanat Afrand
  20. Sina Health Development High Tech 

In the sideline of the exhibition, a match making event was held with a special attention on biomedical technologies and business between Iranian and Chinese firms.

CHInano is one of the most important annual nanotechnology exhibitions in China. This event is focused on nanoparticles, energy, clean technologies, and nano-biotechnology. CHInano is aimed at creating an international platform in order to develop nanotechnology related cooperation. Each year, more than 9000 visitors and 1000 nanotechnology companies participate in this exhibition.

The CHInano 2018 was held on October 24th to 26th in Suzhou, China. 



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