Iranian Nano Ion-Mobility Spectrometer in Cuba

Iranian Nano Ion-Mobility Spectrometer in Cuba

Nano Ion-mobility spectroscopy, donated by Islamic Republic of Iran, was delivered by the Iran’s ambassador in Cuba to the head of Cuban Center for Advanced Studies.

 December 29, 2019  Agreements
Iran's ambassador to Cuba, Rashid Bayat Mokhtari, stated that despite US cruel sanctions against Iran and Cuba in various fields, including science and technology, the two countries have always achieved remarkable achievements in all fields, including science and technology.
Reminding of the mutual support and assistance of Iran and Cuba in different fields, he expressed that Cuban Center for Advanced Studies will be able to achieve its pre-planned goals with the help of the donated nanotechnology devices.
Angela Diaz Garcia, head of this center, also thanked Iran for donating the device as well as other Iranian nanotechnology equipment delivered in the past. Praising Iran’s considerable progress in nanotechnology, she also expressed hope that the Cuba would also take similar steps in her country's nanotechnology progress.


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