The vice president for science, technology, and knowledge-based economy: Iran is one of the prominent countries in the field of Science and Nanotechnology

The vice president for science, technology, and knowledge-based economy: Iran is one of the prominent countries in the field of Science and Nanotechnology

Dr. Dehghani Firouzabadi in the press conference of the 14th Nanotechnology Exhibition, praised the performance of the Iran Nano and Micro Technologies Innovation Council(INIC) and called Iran one of the prominent countries in the Nano field.

 November 01, 2023  Agreements
The vice president for science, technology, and knowledge-based economy, Dr. Dehghani Firouzabadi stated: The development of Nanotechnology applications and market creation of the achievements are the main goals of the Iran Nano and Micro Technologies Innovation Council in the new era. So, the Iran Nano and Micro Technologies Innovation Council is one of the main trendsetters and influencers in the Nanotechnology field and these are the important achievements of INIC. During the past years, it can be considered the promotion and expansion of Nano culture among people and the creation of a good flow of science and technology production in this field. Due to the efforts and culture-building of this Council, a significant part of society, including the scientific and academic strata, have become interested in activities in the Nano field, so many academics, researchers, and inventors have taken steps towards the production of science, technology, and products in this area.
He continued: In the new period, the Iran Nano and Micro Technologies Innovation Council will improve its missions and with the addition of the Micro field to the missions, it will be specialized in the field of Microtechnology as well as Nanotechnology.
The vice president for science, technology, and knowledge-based economy, stating that the Iran Nano and Micro Technologies Innovation Council in the new period of its activities emphasizes the development of application and market creation for the scientific and technological achievements of the Nano, added: the result of twenty years of experience and efforts of the  Iran Nano and Micro Technologies Innovation Council, is a significant and valuable amount of knowledge and technologies that should be placed on the path of the application and become the foundation for the creation and development of new technologies; Therefore, the development of application, creation, and expansion of the market, and finally highlighting the role of Nanotechnology in people's lives as much as possible, as well as the return of investment, are among the important and strategic goals of the Nano and Micro Technologies Innovation Council of The Vice-Presidency for science and technology.
Dehghani considered Iran's position among the top producers of Nanoscience in the world and reminded the necessity of using this reserve in the development of needs-oriented, practical, and competitive products in the international arena and added: Iran, according to the pioneers of Nanoscience and the owners of the most advanced technologies in this field, is among the top countries in the field of science and Nanotechnology. One of the main pillars and axes of international interactions and the driving force of our country's science and technology diplomacy is the Nano field, and the fact that scientists and experts in this field recognize Iran as one of the pioneers and leaders, So, the necessity of moving in The path of development of domestic and international markets and the expansion of application of this field is actually double.
He added: In all interactions and meetings between Iranian delegations and other countries, Nanotechnology is one of the main axes of scientific and technological interactions, and this issue makes the responsibility of the Council more serious.
Vice President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, referring to the prominent presence of powerful and outstanding Nano companies in this year's exhibition, said: the achievements of this year's exhibition are quite distinct and impressive because the fourteenth edition of the exhibition was planned with the approach of applying Nanotechnology. Therefore, this year We will have a stronger presence of capable companies in the field of application of science and Nanotechnology.
Dehghani stated that the Iran Nano and Micro Technologies Innovation Council is known as one of the pillars of the country's scientific and technological power, and expressed his hope that planning to apply the scientific achievements of this field, will help the development of the market and the wider presence of Iran in the international arena of this field.
Referring to his upcoming trip to Geneva and his speech at the meeting of the United Nations Social Commission with a focus on “the role of science and technology in the development of public justice and the protection of human rights”, the vice president for science, technology, and knowledge-based economy stated: the focus of the United Nations Social Commission meeting, is the role of science and technology in promoting human rights, and the content that I will present in this event is based on the development of science and technology as one of the main discourses of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the role of science and technology in better interaction between countries, Development of justice is central and protection of human rights. Considering that science and technology are one of the effective tools that develop public justice, and to the extent that the role of knowledge and technology in people's lives develops, we will witness the expansion of justice.
He added: The field of science and technology is one of those subjects that are liked and accepted by all countries, and on this basis, it can be an excellent axis and starting point for the expansion of international interactions and cooperation between countries. Accordingly, one of the main pillars of Iran's diplomacy in the international arena is science and technology, and our country's capabilities in this field.


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