Unveiling of Four Iranian Devices in Cancer Diagnostics and Treatment at the Iran Lab Expo

Unveiling of Four Iranian Devices in Cancer Diagnostics and Treatment at the Iran Lab Expo

Four Nano Hesgar Sazan Salamat Arya Company devices in cancer diagnostics and treatment at the Iran Lab Expo were unveiled.

 June 25, 2022  Commercialization
Nano Hesgar Sazan Salamat Arya Company devices were unveiled at the Iran Lab Expo. Cancer Detection Probe (CDP) for real-time diagnosis of involved margins and lymph nodes during breast cancer surgery, Impedance Tumor Detection Probe (ITDP), Positive Electrostatic Cancer Therapy (PECT) for malignant tumors and real-time Blood ROS detection system (BROS), and designed and built by Dr. Abdolahad's research team, can be used for diagnosis and treat cancer.
According to Dr. Abdolahad, the first device is the Cancer Diagnosis Probe, a device for identifying margins and lymph nodes involved in cancer, which is designed to detect the remained cancerous cells in the cavity-side of the patient's body after tumor removal. This device has also received a license from the Iran Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
The second device, ITDP, is an impedance-based diagnosis probe that helps the radiologist determine the mass's condition in the patient's breast and its risk to the patient. In this method, the system's needle-shaped 2-electrode probe enters into SLNs or ALNs under ultrasound guide, and without any tissue extraction, the radiologist can judge the risk of the tumor. This information helps physicians make the best decision when in doubt about a biopsy.
The third device is a device that uses electrostatic for cancer therapy of the malignant masses. This device has a patch placed on the patient's body, and its high electrostatic charge disrupts the proliferation and growth of cancer cells. Another application of this device is to concentrate drugs with positive charges in the cancerous tumors and reach their cells in a targeted manner. So, thanks to this technology, many drugs can be used for cancerous tumors.
Dr. Abdolahad adds that the fourth device, BROS, is a device that detects ROS (reactive oxygen species) levels in the blood that is used for breast cancer detection. When a mass in breast cancer becomes malignant, the ROS in these cells decreases. This device can measure the amount of ROS in the blood of patients with cancerous mass and show that the amount of ROS is reduced compared to standard samples. If the concentration of ROS decreases, it is a pre-warning revealing that the tumor is malignant. Notably, there is more ROS in benign tumors than in malignant tumors.
Nano Hesgar Sazan Salamat Arya employs advanced technologies to design and manufacture medical equipment and products to diagnose and treat cancer. The company's main objective is to produce and commercialize innovative high-tech products in the medical field.


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