Donation of Iranian Nanotechnology Equipment to Tajik National University

Donation of Iranian Nanotechnology Equipment to Tajik National University

During Raisi's travel to Tajikistan, several Iranian nanotechnology instruments were donated to Tajik National University.

 September 26, 2021  Management
President Raisi traveled to Tajikistan on Wednesday, September 15th to attend the 21st Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit.  During the mission, he visited Tajik National University and donated some nanotechnology instruments and equipment which were made by Iranian scientists and technologists active in the field nanotechnology to the university. Nowadays, there are about 300 active Iranian nanotechnology companies with 775 nanotechnology based products. These equipment will help the scientists in Tajikistan to undertake experiments and practical research in various domains of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
The donated package included six equipment including:
  • The electrospinning device used to make nano-scale fibers. Laboratory and industrial samples of this device were exported to some countries such as China, Thailand, Turkey, and South Korea.
  • The spattering device used to layer a wide range of different nanoscale materials on different substrates. This Iranian-made device has been exported to 20 countries including UK, Italy, Canada, and Australia.
  • Electrical explosion of wire is another device that is used to make metal nano powders.
  • Planetary mill that is used for grinding and powdering of particles from micrometers to nanometers and particle alloying.
  • Double beam spectrophotometer as an important characterization device that is used to measure the passage of light to determine the properties of chemicals with various industrial applications including oil, food, medicine, water, and wastewater areas.
Ultrasonic homogenizer, as one of the basic laboratory and industrial devices in the nano field, which uses ultrasound to homogenize solutions with a wide range of applications in various industries.
Iran's nanotechnology sector has been active in the area of promotion and education of nanotechnology at an international level mainly coordinated by Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council. There has been several cooperation programs in setting up educational and research laboratories and running educational joint programs across South East Asia, Latin America and Middle East. Hopefully, setting up a nanotech lab in National University of Tajikistan will start a new chapter in scientific cooperation between the two countries and also another good example for promotion of international cooperation in the field of nanotechnology. 


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