Introduction of Calcium Carbonate Powder Production Line in IRANANO 2022

Introduction of Calcium Carbonate Powder Production Line in IRANANO 2022

Mr. Mostafavinasab, the CEO of Hooman Shimi Pars Company, introduced the latest achievements of his company in development of industrial production line of calcium carbonate nanoparticle powder.

 September 25, 2022  Industrial
As Mr. Mostafavinasab stated, launching this production line will place Iran among the eight countries producing calcium carbonate nanoparticles. The CEO of the company also stated that the company has participated in the last three nanotechnology exhibitions. “During the last three exhibitions, our main focus was on water repellent spray; however, we intend to introduce our production line for calcium carbonate nanoparticle powder in IRANANO 2022,” he added. This nanoparticle is used in various fields such as polymer, painting, oil and gas, rubber making, leather, cable and wire, tile and ceramic, etc. Leading companies are purchasing calcium carbonate nanoparticles from this company.
More than 5 thousand tons of nanoparticles are used annually in various fields. The CEO expressed his company’s willingness to fully cover the domestic market.
It should be noted that Hooman Shimi Pars Company has recently released a solution that creates a water repellent coating on glass. This product increases safety of drivers in snowy and rainy days. This spray can be used for car glass, tiles, ceramic and glass surfaces in cars, houses, hospitals, buildings, hotels, and stores.
The 13th Nanotechnology Festival & Exhibition will be held from October 1 to 4, 1401 at the permanent location of Tehran International Exhibitions. Companies have until the end of August to register by visiting the exhibition website at exhibition.nano.ir.


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