Iran was ranked 4th in Nanotechnology publication in 2017

Iran was ranked 4th in Nanotechnology publication in 2017

According to the "StatNano" report on January 2018, more than 154,000 nanotechnology related articles were indexed in Web of Science (WoS) in 2017 and Iran was ranked 4th in the world ranking.

 February 04, 2018  Management

China was ranked first in the last few years by publishing more than 56000 nanotechnology articles and the United States with more than 24000 articles was placed at the second position. China's nanotechnology articles include nearly 17% of all of the articles of China while this value is 6% for the United States. India, Iran, and South Korea are among the first five countries in this index by releasing 12600, 8800, and 8700 articles respectively. Iran ranked 6th after the South Korea, and Germany in the 2016 index. 

More information is available on StatNano website.



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