Welding Electrodes Coated with Nanoparticles Leads to Moisture Resistance

Welding Electrodes Coated with Nanoparticles Leads to Moisture Resistance

An Iranian industrial company, active in the production of welding equipment, produces alkali-coated welding electrodes with moisture-resistant property.

 July 05, 2020  Industrial

Hydrogen cracking is among defects that happens due to heat which reduces the quality of the welded area and may cause irreparable damages. One of the contributing factors to this defect is the entry of moisture into the weld metal through the alkali coating of the electrode. The production of moisture-resistant electrodes while meeting the requirements of the AWS A5.1 standard has always been the focus of electrode manufacturers. Nanotechnology and the use of nanoparticles in alkali electrode coatings formulation has addressed this challenge. The resulting manufactured electrodes have higher strengths and also are used for welding stainless steels.


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