The Planning of Nanotechnology Technical Standards Committee for the legislation of 38 national standards

The Planning of Nanotechnology Technical Standards Committee for the legislation of 38 national standards

The Nanotechnology Technical Standards Committee (NTSC), as the corresponding committee of ISOTC/229 in the country, has legislated 62 national standards in the field of nanotechnology. This committee has scheduled to compile 38 national standards in 2017.

 August 11, 2017  Standard & Certification

These standards cover a wide range of issues. One of the requirements for the development of nanotechnology is the issues related to nanometrology and measurement methods. Hence, about two-thirds of these standards apply to metrology and measurement topics, in particular the characterization of nanomaterials using different equipment and techniques. In addition, about a quarter of the proposed standards address the applications of nanoelectronics. This topic has attracted more attention in this category of standards than previous years. Whereas four standards in the field of nanoelectronics are related to terminology and definitions, about five ones deal with nano-safety.
Among the approved titles, three standards are specifically related to three domestically produced nanotechnology-based products. These standards are known as product-based standards. Additionally, a number of standards are allocated to nanomaterials such as nano-silica, nanocellulose, cadmium quantum dots, single-walled carbon nanotubes and graphene.
NTSC is currently planning and tracking supportive and executive measures for the preparation and legislation of these standards, and it hopefully compiles and approves an overwhelming majority of these standards by the end of the present year in a close collaboration with National Standard Organization (NSO) and specialists and experts working in scientific and research centers and nanotechnology manufacturing companies in the country.



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