2nd International Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Conference (NMNS2017)

2nd International Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Conference (NMNS2017)

The 2nd International Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Conference (NMNS2017) will be held by Tehran University of Medical Sciences in the collaboration with “Iran Nano Safety Network (INSN)”, “Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council (INIC)”, and “Iranian Society of Nanomedicine (ISNM)” on November 29 and 30, 2017 at Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

 November 04, 2017  Agreements

The conference will cover all aspects of medicine and safety of nanomaterials in humans, animals and the natural environment. Beside the delivery of some keynote speeches by professors from more than 10 countries over the nanomedicine and nano safety, several workshops and specialized sessions will be held at this conference. Expectedly, these sessions will provide a great opportunity for researchers from all over the world to exchange their views and establish the cooperation with each other at the national and international levels in various fields of nanomedicine and nano safety. The topics of the conference are categorized into two parts: (i) Nanomedicine and (ii) Nano Safety. Iran Nanohealth Committee of Food & Drug Administration and Iranian Environmental Mutagen Society (IrEMS) also support the conference.

On the sidelines of this conference, the International School of Nanomedicine and nano safety will be held in the form of a workshop, from November 28 to 30, 2017, at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, with the participation of teachers from Japan, England, South Africa and Iran. Participants will receive a valid certificate.

 It is noteworthy that the conference is sponsored by INIC to provide the incentive support for student theses. For more information, please refer to the conference website, www.nanomedsafety.com.



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