Designing a User-Friendly Tool for Monitoring the Pollutants in Nutrients

Designing a User-Friendly Tool for Monitoring the Pollutants in Nutrients

An Iranian researcher used electrodeposition of nanosheets on the graphenized pencil as an effective sorbent for nutrient pollutants.

 December 11, 2018  Scientific

The research project is aimed at detection of pollutants in nutrients and uses the graphenized pencil as the main material. In addition, by using urea for synthesizing carbon-nitride nano-structures, the final production costs are considerably lowered.

Analysis and tests indicate that the product is very efficient in detecting pollutants in a range as low as milligrams per liter. 

Dr. Elnaz Marzi Khosrowshahi, faculty member at Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University is the principal investigator on this project. The results of the research are published in the New Journal of Chemistry with an impact factor of 3.2.

For more information, you can refer to the original article.



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