First stage of 9th Iran Student Nanotechnology Festival concluded on August 2nd, 2018

First stage of 9th Iran Student Nanotechnology Festival concluded on August 2nd, 2018

The closing ceremony of the 9th Iran Student Nanotechnology Festival was held on August 2nd 2018 in Karaj, Iran. During the event, 22 articles, 78 posters and 10 laboratory scale prototype were presented.

 August 21, 2018  Agreements

Student Nanotechnology Festival is an annual and multi-phase event dedicated to promote nanotechnology knowledge and skills among young and talented students. It is a special opportunity for students who have been active in nanotechnology research projects. In addition to scientific achievements, this is a podium for software and application-based projects to better promote nanotechnology in the country. This contest has four main goals:

  • Promoting nanotechnology for young students
  • Leading students towards research-based education in nanotechnology area
  • Identifying potential talented students and planning an empowering program for them
  • Designing innovative nanotechnology ideas suited for students’ scientific knowledge

The 9th Student Nanotechnology Festival called for papers and prototypes in December 2017, and over 300 papers and 30 laboratory scale prototypes were registered.

After the final review process, judges selected five papers and five laboratory scale prototypes to participate in the second phase of the event. 



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