Iranian projects take part in China’s IPIEC2017

Iranian projects take part in China’s IPIEC2017

Two Iranian teams participated in the “IPIEC2017” competition on December 8th and 9th, 2017 in Guangzhou, China. Thirty teams from different countries including Germany, the USA, and Russia presented their projects.

 January 03, 2018  Agreements

The WTOIP Group is a Chinese organization active in the field of entrepreneurship and intellectual property services and serves as a bridge between the East and West for the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and technology. To this end, the group has held competitions for entrepreneurship, innovation, and intellectual property since 2015.

During the visit of the representatives of WTOIP from the Iranian Nanotechnology Exhibition in November 2017, several Iranian teams were invited to participate in the “IPIEC2017” competition. Among the invited projects, “



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