Holding a brainstorming meeting with Iranian experts and entrepreneurs abroad

Holding a brainstorming meeting with Iranian experts and entrepreneurs abroad

A think-tank meeting of Nanotechnology experts in the project “Cooperation with Iranian experts and entrepreneurs abroad” was held on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at the Nano Innovation Council.

 October 17, 2023  Agreements
The project “Cooperation with Iranian experts and entrepreneurs abroad” was developed by the Center of International Science and Technology Cooperation(CISTC) of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology and is being implemented with the cooperation of the host bases, including the Nano and Micro Innovation Council.
This project has been implemented in order to transfer knowledge, experience, and technological ideas to the country, as well as to establish effective communication between Iranian scientists abroad with domestic counterparts and selected scientific and technological centers.
In this project, Iranian professors, specialists, entrepreneurs, and scientists abroad can cooperate with domestic centers in the form of long-term courses such as post-doctorate, study opportunities, and visiting professors and short-term courses such as lectures and specialized workshops.
In this meeting, after the welcome and a presentation of the status of the Nano Innovation Council base regarding the cooperation plan with Iranian experts and entrepreneurs abroad by Mr. Dr. Rezayat, a number of researchers expressed problems and suggestions regarding the plan and increasing Iran's international interactions in the field of   Nanotechnology. After that, Mr. Dr. Mirabadi and Dr. Ahmadvand gave speeches and provided explanations regarding the questions and issues raised.
It should be noted that in this meeting, three technological activities that have been supported in this project and had significant achievements were honored with a certificate of appreciation and credit of the laboratory network and a commemorative gift.


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