Thermal insulation blanket producer: We are ready for IRANANO 2022

Thermal insulation blanket producer: We are ready for IRANANO 2022

Mr. Bargozin, CEO of Pakan Atiyeh Nanodanesh expressed willingness of his company to participate in IRANANO 2022 in order to extend its network and find new customers.

 September 25, 2022  Industrial
“Our company has considerably increased its production capacity and we try to extend our market and make more customers through IRANANO 2022,” Mr. Bargozin, executive director of Pakan Atiyeh Nanodanesh company, said, “our production capacity for thermal insulating blankets containing silica aerogel has experienced dramatic increase recently and we have to search for new customers active in petrochemical and refinery industries in different events such as IRANANAO 2022.”
"Due to public interests for knowledge-based companies, we hope to receive huge attentions in this exhibition,” he said, “therefore, we have a comprehensive plan to better present our competitive advantages of products in our booth.”
Staffs of the company also emphasized the company’s plan for packaging of the products to attract visitors. Mr. Bargozin who is also a faculty member of Zanjan University stated the common applications of this product in construction industry for reduction of energy consumption in buildings. These nanoscale thermal insulators can meet the needs of constructors with low thicknesses. It could reduce energy consumption by 45%. Among other advantages of this technology, the product can reduce noise pollution as well.


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