Briefing Session for the Iranian Trade Delegation to the NanoKorea 2024 Exhibition

Briefing Session for the Iranian Trade Delegation to the NanoKorea 2024 Exhibition

On Wednesday, June 26, 2024, a briefing session was held for the Iranian trade delegation heading to the NanoKorea 2024 exhibition. The session took place at the Iran Nano and Micro Technologies Innovation Council (INIC), with the participation of 16 export companies and officials from the dispatch secretariat.

 July 06, 2024  Industrial

NanoKorea 2024 is one of the largest global events in nanotechnology, held annually in South Korea. This exhibition provides a valuable opportunity for Iranian companies to explore the latest achievements and innovations in nanotechnology and examine cooperation and technology exchange opportunities.

INIC, in collaboration with the Organization for the Center of International Science and Technology Cooperation (CISTC), has organized the trade delegation's visit to support Iranian companies and facilitate the exchange of advanced technologies. A comprehensive briefing session was conducted to prepare the companies participating in the trade delegation. During the session, the plans and details of the 24-member trade delegation, comprising 16 nanotechnology-based companies, were discussed for their upcoming visit to South Korea.

The Director of International Affairs at the INIC welcomed the attendees and presented the international group's programs to support nanotechnology companies' participation in international exhibitions. He also provided recommendations on security and travel precautions for South Korea. The attendees then introduced themselves and shared their expectations and goals for participating in the exhibition.

The head of the Tech Export Services Corridor introduced the support provided by the Export Corridor and the Innovation and Prosperity Fund. She emphasized the significant role this support could play in enhancing the capabilities of Iranian nanotechnology companies.

A representative of the dispatch secretariat detailed the importance of participating in NanoKorea 2024 for Iranian companies. He provided information on South Korea's economic and technological conditions, the exhibition's themes, prominent companies and institutions, side events, and the registration process.

A representative of the Travel Agency outlined the travel planning, accommodation, and support services offered to the trade delegation. Also, the delegation tour leader explained the travel schedule and shared his experiences in South Korea. He provided tips on necessary coordination for a successful trip and optional side programs, including visits to sightseeing spots in Seoul. He also offered advice on electronic visas, immigration forms, currency preparation, SIM card purchases, and luggage and information security.

The session continued with a Q&A segment where company representatives asked questions and received necessary answers. The session concluded with a summary by the host, group photo sessions, and brief interviews.

This briefing session aimed to provide supplementary information to the companies in the trade delegation, enabling them to participate fully prepared in the NanoKorea 2024 exhibition and benefit from this international event. The presence of the Iranian trade delegation in this exhibition is expected to pave the way for new collaborations and advanced technology exchanges, significantly enhancing the international position of Iran's nanotechnology.


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