Iran and Pakistan Propose Joint Nanotechnology and Biotechnology Research Institute

Iran and Pakistan Propose Joint Nanotechnology and Biotechnology Research Institute

In a joint meeting held at the Iran Nano and Micro Technologies Innovation Council (INIC), the President of Lahore University in Pakistan proposed the establishment of a joint nanotechnology and biotechnology research institute between Iran and Pakistan.

 May 25, 2024  Agreements

On May 20, 2024, the INIC hosted the President of Lahore University in Pakistan. The meeting included representatives from Lahore University, the Iran Materials and Energy Research Center, and the INIC International Affairs Department. The participants discussed mutual cooperation between the INIC and the Pakistani delegation.

Following the introductions, the INIC highlighted Iran's recent advancements in nanotechnology, emphasizing educational activities and collaborative scientific efforts. Short-term Training of Trainers (TOT) courses were also elaborated upon. The President of Lahore University expressed a keen interest in setting up a nanotechnology center at Lahore University.

The session progressed with the Iranian delegation proposing joint research initiatives, collaborative publication of scientific articles in esteemed Iranian journals, and the organization of workshops, educational programs, and scientific conferences.

The INIC suggested formalizing the cooperation through an agreement, which received a positive response from the Pakistani delegation. Additionally, an invitation was extended to the Pakistani delegation to participate in the Nano 2024 exhibition, which was warmly received.

The meeting concluded with a tour of Iranian nanotechnology products showcased at the INIC. Notably, the Pakistani side identified nanomedicine collaborations as a priority area for joint efforts.


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