Top 20 Countries in Nanotechnology Publications in 2017

Top 20 Countries in Nanotechnology Publications in 2017

According to StatNano statistics, nearly 74,000 nano articles are indexed in the Web of Science database by the mid-2017. In this regards, Iran has been ranked 5th among the global countries by publishing 4200 articles (about 5.7% of all publications).

 June 01, 2017  Management

By the mid-2017, nearly 74,000 nano articles have been indexed in the web of Science database. The following table shows the competing contribution of global countries. As shown, 20 countries have published over 1,000 nano articles in the same period.

Similar to the previous years, China with a contribution percentage of 37.5% has been ranked 1st by a landslide. The USA, India, and South Korea have obtained the next statuses, respectively. With over 4215 nano articles and a contribution percentage of 5.7%, Iran is ranked 5th, closely after South Korea. This number includes approximately 23% of Iran’s total scientific publications indexed in Web of Science database. Therefore, Iran has the highest ratio of nanotechnology publications to the total scientific publications. In the last year, Iran has published over 3800 nano articles and is ranked 6th in the world.

Among top 10 countries in this ranking, five countries arise from Asia. It implies that the Asian countries, especially East Asian ones have put the main focus of their research perspective on nanoscience and nanotechnology. In 2017, approximately 18% of China’s and India’s total scientific publications and 16.5% of South Korea’s are allocated to the nanotechnology.

Click here for a list of statistics per country.       
Source: statnano.com



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