330 Institutions Promote Nanotechnology among Students

330 Institutions Promote Nanotechnology among Students

 Some 330 institutions in the country have helped to promote nanotechnology concepts among students.

 January 09, 2023  Management
Promoting nanotechnology among students from schools and universities is one of the main measures that have a great impact on the development of this applied technology in the country. This measure could lead to training of efficient and useful personnel for various industries.
The expansion of nanotechnology applications in various branches of industries, medicine, electronics, agriculture, health, etc. has encouraged educational systems to provide education on concepts and topics related to nanoscience, which is taught at schools as well as universities in many countries.
Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council (INIC) has made efforts to create and mentor promotional institutions in this field in order to use the capacity of students for development of various industries related to nanotechnology. Currently, 330 promotional institutions are active across the country in different schools.
Also, 88 laboratories are actively providing their services to students as well as teachers. This could prepare a considerable infrastructure for scientific activities of research groups.


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