Appreciation of the Nanotechnology Standard Technical Committee at the World Standard Day Conference

Appreciation of the Nanotechnology Standard Technical Committee at the World Standard Day Conference

The International Standard Day conference was held on Saturday, October 14, 2023, with the presence of national officials in the Iran International Conference Center, and in the same ceremony exemplary production and service units, exemplary standard technical committee, laboratories, and exemplary and selected inspection companies were honored.

 October 17, 2023  Standard & Certification
In this meeting, Dr. Mehdi Eslampanah presented a report on the current status of the standard. In his speech, he stated that 11% of the international standards of nanotechnology have been developed by the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Then, Hojjatul-Islam Mohseni Ajeei spoke about the importance of standards and emphasized that the Iranian National Standards Organization should be able to meet the urgent needs of the country, considering the conditions of the embargo we are in. Today, in some cases, imports and exports are carried out in accordance with the sanctions; Accordingly, the said organization should speed up its supervision and controls in addition to all-round accuracy.
At this conference, a number of top production units, exemplary executive organizations, laboratories, and exemplary inspection companies were honored with plaques and statues. Also, the corresponding technical committee of the nanotechnology standard as an exemplary committee was praised for its active participation in the development of international standards.
It should be noted that the secretariat of the technical committee of the Nanotechnology standard is located in the Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council, which has so far compiled 160 national standards and 12 international standards in the field of Nanotechnology with the support of the Nanotechnology Innovation Council and the participation of a network of domestic experts. Currently, Iran is among the top 4 countries in terms of the number of international Nano standards.
It should be noted that the conference on National Standard Day coincided with the 100th year of the approval of the Standard Law, on Saturday, October 14, with the speech of the head of the National Standards Organization, the head of the judiciary, the vice president of the Islamic Council and the executive vice president in the Iran International Conference Center.
In this ceremony, Mr. Dr. Haddad Adel (President of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature), Ali Bahadori Jahromi (Government Spokesman), Zabiyollah Khodaeiyan Chagani (Head of General Inspection Organization), Abbas Aliabadi (Minister of Industry), Mohammad Eslami (Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran), Ali Salajegheh (Head of Department of Environment) and a number of ambassadors and diplomats of several countries were also present.



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