November 03, 2024    |       0   

Second International Nanotechnology Olympiad 2024
   October 07, 2024    |       0   
The International Nano Olympiad (INO) returns for its second edition as Nano Kebangsaan 2024 in Selangor, Malaysia.
   November 04, 2023    |       0   
The 14th International Nanotechnology Exhibition was held in November 2023 at Tehran's International Permanent Fairground. 
   October 01, 2022    |       0   
Festival & Exhibition on Nanotechnology
Workshop on Nanofiber between Iran and Thailand
   April 05, 2022    |       0   
On 5 April 2022, Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Center (INIC) will hold a virtual workshop on nanofiber in collaboration with Thailand’s National Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC).
12th International Nanotechnology Festival
   October 10, 2019    |       0   

International Nanotechnology Festival is held annually by Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council, and it is the largest and most credible exhibition in the field of nanotechnology in Iran. It is also considered as one of the largest nanotechnology festivals in Asia.

12th International Nanotechnology Festival will be held from October 10th to 13th, 2019, in Tehran International Permanent Fairground.

3rd EU-Asia Dialogue on NanoSafety
   March 18, 2019    |       0   

The 3rd EU-Asia Dialogue will be held in conjunction with ASEAN Next 2019 hosted by the Ministry of Science and Technology Thailand (MOST) in order to encourage partnership in the science, technology, and innovations developed between ASEAN and its trade partners.

International Conference on Polymerization Catalysis, Flexible Polymer and Nanotechnology
   February 20, 2019    |       0   
International Conference on Polymerization Catalysis, Flexible Polymer and Nanotechnology, will be organized around the theme “Understanding the Dynamics of Polymers and Nanotechnology connecting Fundamentals to Broad applications”.
11th International Nanotechnology Festival
   October 13, 2018    |       0   

11th International Nanotechnology Festival will be held from October 13th to 16th, 2018, in Tehran International Permanent Fairground.

The First International Nanotechnology Olympiad
   April 10, 2018    |       0   

The first INO is going to start on April 10, 2018. EU, Iran, Malaysia, Russia, South Korea and Taiwan will participate in this event with a focus on solving global environmental challenges through the nanotechnology.

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