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Pulsed Laser Deposition

Pulsed Laser Deposition

March 25, 2020    0    5208
Pulsed-Laser Deposition (PLD) is a type of physical vapor deposition which uses thermal stimulation for evaporation, transfer, and deposition of Target atoms onto a substrate. Like all similar deposition methods, the main sections of this apparatus are Target (desired coating material) and a substrate, which are placed in a chamber connected to the vacuum pumps; during deposition process, a laser beam is employed to thermally stimulate the Target.
High Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimeter

High Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimeter

March 23, 2020    0    4574
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) test is one of the fundamental tools in thermal analysis which can be used in different industries such as pharmaceutical, polymer, agriculture, semiconductors, food industry, etc. The heat capacity, heat transfer, kinetic energy data, materials purity, phase transformation, and materials microstructural changes can be specified using DSC method. The DSC device has two stages; two crucibles containing reference and desired samples are placed upon each stage.
Preclinical PET Imaging System

Preclinical PET Imaging System

March 23, 2020    0    3967
Over the past two decades, studies regarding the production of new drugs, systems and imaging techniques have been widely performed upon animal models. Conducting in vivo experiments upon live animals is one of the main requirements of these investigations since they facilitate the observation and tracking of drugs distribution and other biological phenomena which are not visible in vitro.
Membrane Gas Separation and Permporometry System

Membrane Gas Separation and Permporometry System

March 23, 2020    0    4342
Today, membrane industry is one of the novel and growing industries in the field of gas separation. Gas separation is used in different sectors of oil industry, petrochemical industry, and gas industry.
Capillary Electrophoresis

Capillary Electrophoresis

March 23, 2020    0    7332
Capillary electrophoresis is an analytical technique in which by applying an electric field, ions are separated based on their migration velocity in a capillary tube. The migration velocity depends on the charge of molecule, viscosity, and radius of atom.
Fluorescence Planar Imaging System (FluoVision)

Fluorescence Planar Imaging System (FluoVision)

March 23, 2020    0    3278
Fluorescence Molecular Imaging Systems were firstly introduced by Garofalakis and his colleagues. The first generation of this imaging system was designed for Non-contact Fluorescence Molecular Tomography.
Miniature UV-VIS-NIR Spectrometer

Miniature UV-VIS-NIR Spectrometer

March 23, 2020    0    9990
Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis) is a very common technique used for determination of the concentration of substances in a solution. In this way, it enables researchers to work out the reactions rate, equations of reactions rate, and reactions mechanisms.  
Raman Spectrometer

Raman Spectrometer

March 23, 2020    0    4997
Raman spectroscopy provides information about molecular vibrations that can be used for sample identification and quantitation. The technique involves shining a monochromatic light source (i.e. laser) on a sample and detecting the scattered light.


March 23, 2020    0    3697
Magnetic properties are of the most important and intriguing features of materials which have been the object of numerous studies so far.


March 23, 2020    0    4655
A profilometer is a measuring instrument used to measure a surface's profile, in order to quantify its roughness. In Contact Profilometry a diamond stylus is moved vertically in contact with a sample and then moved laterally across the sample for a specified distance and specified contact force.

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