Iran-China Business Matchmaking Conference held in Guangdong

Iran-China Business Matchmaking Conference held in Guangdong

The third Iran-China Business Match Making was held in Shenzhen, China on June 17th, 2017. The event was planned for further reinforcing Iran-China collaborations in the field of Nanotechnology.

 July 17, 2017  Agreements

The program was jointly planned by Iran-China Nanotechnology Center in Nanopolis in Suzho and Guangdong Chamber of Commerce of Importers and Exporters. In this event 10 Iranian Nanotech companies introduced their innovative Nanotech products and technologies.
During the event Prof. Sarkar briefed the attendees about Irans achievements in Nanotechnology.
Further, an M.O.U was also signed between INIC and Guangdong Chamber of Commerce of Importers and Exporters. INIC has been supporting such events with different countries to reinforce B to B collaborations between Nanotech companies and enterprises.



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